How to Change Theme in Joomla?


If you’re looking to give your Joomla website a fresh and modern look, changing the theme is a great way to do it. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to change the theme in Joomla, allowing you to revamp the appearance of your website and impress your visitors.

Key Takeaways

  • Changing the theme in Joomla can greatly enhance the appearance and user experience of your website.
  • Choose a theme that aligns with your website’s purpose and target audience.
  • Research different themes, review demos, and read user reviews before making a selection.
  • Install and activate your chosen theme through the Joomla backend.
  • Customize the theme to match your branding and preferences.

Read our in depth guide on: What is Joomla?

Why Change Your Joomla Theme?

Are you considering a change in your Joomla theme? Wondering why it’s important to switch things up? Well, let’s take a moment to understand the benefits of changing your Joomla theme and how it can enhance your website’s appearance and overall user experience.

When it comes to the visual appeal of your website, your Joomla theme plays a crucial role. The theme determines the layout, color scheme, typography, and overall design elements that contribute to the appearance of your site. By changing your Joomla theme, you have the opportunity to give your website a fresh, modern look that aligns with your branding and engages your visitors.

Here are a few key reasons why changing your Joomla theme can make a significant difference:

  1. Improved aesthetics: A visually appealing website can captivate your audience and make a lasting impression. A new theme can bring a modern touch, better organization, and more visually pleasing design elements to your site.
  2. Enhanced user experience: Users tend to stay longer on websites that are visually appealing, easy to navigate, and offer a seamless browsing experience. By selecting a theme that is user-friendly and optimized for usability, you can ensure a positive experience for your visitors.
  3. Increased professionalism: A well-designed and polished website reflects professionalism and credibility. By updating your Joomla theme, you can show your audience that you take your online presence seriously and are committed to delivering quality content or services.

Remember, your website’s appearance is a crucial factor in attracting and retaining visitors. With the right Joomla theme, you can create a visually stunning and user-friendly website that leaves a lasting impression.

“A visually appealing and user-friendly website has the power to captivate your audience, improve your brand image, and drive engagement.” – Joomla Experts

Now that you understand the importance of changing your Joomla theme, let’s move on to the next section: “Choose the Right Theme for Your Joomla Website.” We’ll guide you through the process of selecting a theme that aligns with your website’s purpose and design goals.

Choose the Right Theme for Your Joomla Website

Before you start changing the theme, it’s important to choose the right one for your Joomla website. Consider the purpose of your website, its target audience, and the content you have. Look for themes that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and offer the features you need.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a theme for your Joomla website, keep the following factors in mind:

  • The purpose of your website: Is it a blog, an e-commerce site, a portfolio, or a corporate website? Ensure the theme aligns with the overall goal and function of your site.
  • Your target audience: Consider the preferences and expectations of your target audience. Choose a design aesthetic that appeals to them and meets their needs.
  • Content compatibility: Evaluate how well the theme supports the content you have or plan to create. Ensure it offers suitable layouts and display options for your text, images, videos, and any other content formats you use.
  • Visual appeal and branding consistency: Select a theme that matches your brand identity. Look for customizable options that allow you to personalize colors, fonts, and other visual elements.

Top Joomla Theme Providers

Here are some popular Joomla theme providers to explore:

Theme Provider Description
TemplateMonster Offers a wide range of professionally designed Joomla themes for various industries and website types.
ThemeForest A marketplace that features a vast selection of Joomla themes from different developers, giving you plenty of options to choose from.
Shape5 Specializes in responsive and visually appealing Joomla templates known for their advanced customization options.
JoomShaper Provides cutting-edge Joomla themes with built-in functionality and templates for popular content management systems.

Explore these providers’ websites and browse their theme collections to find the perfect match for your Joomla website.

Research and Select a Theme in Joomla

When changing the theme in Joomla, it’s important to spend some time researching different options available in the Joomla marketplace. Conducting thorough research will ensure that you find a theme that aligns with your website’s purpose and meets your design preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you research and select the perfect theme for your Joomla website:

  1. Identify Your Website’s Purpose: Before you start exploring themes, consider the purpose of your website. Is it a blog, an e-commerce store, a portfolio, or something else? Understanding your website’s purpose will help you narrow down your options.
  2. Consider Design Preferences: Think about the overall look and feel you want for your website. Do you prefer a clean and minimalistic design or a bold and vibrant one? Look for themes that match your aesthetic preferences.
  3. Browse the Joomla Marketplace: Visit the Joomla marketplace, where you’ll find a wide range of themes to choose from. Take your time to explore different categories and filters to find themes that are relevant to your website’s niche and design requirements.
  4. Review Theme Demos: Once you find a few potential themes, make sure to review their demo versions. This will give you a better understanding of how the theme looks and functions in real-life scenarios. Pay attention to the layout, navigation, and responsiveness of the theme.
  5. Read User Reviews: User reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and usability of a theme. Take the time to read what other users have to say about their experience with the theme. Look for themes that receive positive feedback and have a good track record.
  6. Check for Updates and Support: When selecting a theme, it’s important to consider the developer’s commitment to updates and support. Look for themes that receive regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest Joomla version. Also, consider themes that offer reliable technical support in case you encounter any issues.


“Research is key when selecting a theme for your Joomla website. Take your time, explore various options, and consider both design and functionality aspects. By investing effort in finding the right theme, you’ll set the stage for a visually appealing and user-friendly website.”

Install the Chosen Joomla Theme

Once you have selected the perfect theme for your Joomla website, you are ready to install it and give your site a fresh new look. The installation process is simple and can be done directly from your Joomla backend. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Log in to your Joomla backend using your administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Extensions menu.
  3. Select the Manage menu.
  4. From the Manage menu, click on the “Upload Package File” tab.
  5. Choose the theme package file you downloaded earlier from your local computer by clicking on the “Choose File” button.
  6. Click on the “Upload & Install” button to start the installation process.

Once the theme package is uploaded and installed, Joomla will automatically extract and install the theme files for you. You will then be redirected to the Extensions Manager page, where you can see the successful installation confirmation.

Note: Some premium Joomla themes may have additional steps or requirements for installation. Please refer to the theme documentation provided by the developer for specific instructions.

Activate the New Joomla Theme

Once you have successfully installed the theme of your choice, it’s time to activate it and make it the default theme for your Joomla website. Follow these simple steps to activate your new Joomla theme:

  1. Navigate to the Extensions menu in your Joomla backend.
  2. Select the Templates menu.
  3. Locate the newly installed theme from the list of available templates.
  4. Set the new theme as the default template for your Joomla website.

By setting the new theme as the default, all pages on your Joomla website will automatically use this theme’s design and layout. Your website will now reflect the new theme’s visual style, creating a cohesive and unified user experience across all pages.

Don’t forget to save your changes and clear any cache if necessary. With the theme activated, you’re now ready to enjoy the fresh look and enhanced functionality of your revamped Joomla website!

Step Action
1 Navigate to the Extensions menu in your Joomla backend.
2 Select the Templates menu.
3 Locate the newly installed theme from the list of available templates.
4 Set the new theme as the default template for your Joomla website.

Customize Your Joomla Theme

One of the great advantages of Joomla is the ability to customize your theme to fit your specific branding and preferences. With a wide range of options available, you can make your Joomla website look unique and consistent with your brand identity. Here are some key aspects you can customize:


Choose the perfect color scheme for your website. Most Joomla themes allow you to easily select and customize colors for various elements such as headers, buttons, backgrounds, and more. Experiment with different color combinations to find the perfect match for your brand.


Select the font styles and sizes that best represent your brand’s personality. With Joomla, you have the flexibility to choose from a variety of fonts and customize the typography to create a visually appealing and readable website.


Customize the layout of your Joomla website to suit your content and design preferences. Whether you prefer a traditional grid-based layout or a more modern and creative arrangement, Joomla allows you to easily modify and adjust the layout to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience.

Visual Elements

Add visual elements such as logos, images, and icons that align with your brand image. Joomla provides options to easily upload and incorporate these visual elements into your theme, helping you create a cohesive and professional appearance.

By customizing these aspects of your Joomla theme, you can create a website that truly reflects your brand identity and captures the attention of your audience. Take the time to explore the available options and experiment with different settings until you achieve the desired look and feel.

Migration to a New Joomla Theme

If you’re considering a new theme for your Joomla website, it’s essential to approach the migration process with care. A smooth transition can be achieved by following these steps:

  1. Take a Backup: Before making any changes, create a backup of your current website. This ensures that you can revert to the previous state if something goes wrong during the migration process.
  2. Review Customizations: If you’ve made any customizations to your existing theme, make a note of them. This will help you recreate or reapply them in the new theme.
  3. Test Compatibility: To avoid any conflicts or issues, thoroughly test the compatibility of the new theme with your existing content and extensions. Ensure that all functionalities are working as intended.

Migrating to a new Joomla theme requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following these guidelines, you can seamlessly transition to a fresh and improved website design.

Migrating to a New Joomla Theme Checklist
Step Action
1 Take a backup of your current website before making any changes.
2 Review any customizations made to the existing theme.
3 Thoroughly test the compatibility of the new theme with your content and extensions.

By following this checklist, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration to a new Joomla theme, giving your website a fresh and updated look.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter any issues or challenges while changing or using your Joomla theme, don’t panic. There are various resources available to help you troubleshoot and resolve any problems you may face.

First, check the theme developer’s documentation. Most Joomla themes come with detailed instructions and troubleshooting guides that can provide solutions to common issues. These resources are designed to assist you in troubleshooting problems and getting your theme up and running smoothly.

If you’re unable to find a solution in the theme documentation, reach out to the theme developer’s support team. They are well-equipped to assist you and provide personalized assistance for any theme-related problems you may encounter. To find the appropriate support channels, visit the developer’s website or navigate to the support section in your Joomla theme dashboard.

Another valuable source of support is the Joomla community itself. The Joomla community consists of a vast network of users and developers who are eager to help one another. Visit the Joomla forums or online communities to seek advice, ask questions, and find solutions from experienced Joomla enthusiasts. Remember to provide all relevant details and be specific about your issue to receive accurate and prompt assistance.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, you have the option to hire a Joomla expert or developer who can assist you with troubleshooting and support. These professionals have extensive experience working with Joomla themes and can provide expert guidance tailored to your specific requirements.

Remember, troubleshooting and support are essential aspects of using any Joomla theme. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance when you encounter challenges. Whether it’s relying on the theme documentation, seeking help from the support team, engaging with the Joomla community, or hiring a professional, there are numerous resources available to ensure you have a smooth experience with your Joomla theme.

Keeping Your Joomla Theme Up to Date

Regularly updating your Joomla theme is essential for maintaining compatibility with the latest Joomla version and ensuring the security of your website. By staying up to date with theme updates and applying them promptly, you can ensure that your website functions optimally and remains protected against potential vulnerabilities.

Why Update Your Joomla Theme?

Updating your Joomla theme offers several significant advantages:

  • Compatibility: Theme updates ensure that your website remains compatible with the latest version of Joomla, preventing any potential conflicts or errors.
  • Security: Keeping your theme updated helps protect your website from security vulnerabilities by patching any known issues and vulnerabilities.
  • Optimization: Theme updates often include performance enhancements and bug fixes, improving the speed and overall functionality of your website.

When to Check for Updates

It’s important to regularly check for theme updates and apply them as they become available. The frequency of updates varies depending on the theme developer, but it’s recommended to check for updates at least once a month or whenever a new Joomla version is released.

How to Update Your Joomla Theme

The process of updating your Joomla theme typically involves the following steps:

  1. Backup your website: Before performing any updates, it’s crucial to create a backup of your website to ensure that you can revert to a previous state if any issues arise during the update process.
  2. Check for updates: Visit your theme developer’s website, marketplace, or support forum to see if any updates are available for your specific theme.
  3. Download the latest version: If an update is available, download the latest version of your theme package to your computer.
  4. Install the update: Log in to your Joomla backend and navigate to the Extensions menu. From there, select the Manage menu and upload the updated theme package. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the update.
  5. Test your website: After updating your Joomla theme, thoroughly test your website to ensure that all functionality and design elements are working correctly.


Changing the theme in Joomla is a simple and effective way to enhance the appearance and user experience of your website. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can easily revamp your Joomla site and give it a fresh, modern look.

Remember to choose a theme that aligns with the purpose of your website and customize it to make it unique. With a wide range of visually appealing and user-friendly themes available in the Joomla marketplace, you can easily find one that suits your needs.

By updating your Joomla theme, you can impress your visitors and create a positive impression. Enjoy the process of refreshing your website’s look and feel, and watch as your new theme transforms your Joomla site into a visually stunning and engaging online presence.



How do I change the theme in Joomla?

To change the theme in Joomla, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Log in to your Joomla backend.

2. Navigate to the Extensions menu and select the Templates menu.

3. Locate the new theme you want to use and set it as the default template.

4. Save your changes, and the new theme will be active on your Joomla website.


Why should I change my Joomla theme?

Changing your Joomla theme can enhance the overall appearance of your website and improve the user experience. It allows you to give your website a fresh and modern look, making it more visually appealing to visitors.


How do I choose the right theme for my Joomla website?

When choosing a theme for your Joomla website, consider the purpose of your website, its target audience, and the content you have. Look for themes that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and offer the features you need to align with your website’s goals and branding.


What should I do to research and select a theme in Joomla?

To research and select a theme in Joomla: 1. Spend time exploring different themes available in the Joomla marketplace. 2. Look for themes that meet your website’s purpose and design preferences. 3. Review the demo versions of potential themes and read user reviews to ensure they meet your requirements. 4. Once you’ve found a few promising themes, make your final selection based on your research.


How do I install a chosen Joomla theme?

To install a chosen Joomla theme, follow these steps: 1. Log in to your Joomla backend. 2. Navigate to the Extensions menu and select the Manage menu. 3. Upload and install the theme package you downloaded. 4. Once the installation is complete, the theme will be ready to activate and use on your Joomla website.


How do I activate the new Joomla theme?

To activate the new Joomla theme as the default template for your website: 1. Log in to your Joomla backend. 2. Go to the Extensions menu and select the Templates menu. 3. Locate the newly installed theme and set it as the default template. 4. Save your changes, and the new theme will be activated on your Joomla website.


Can I customize my Joomla theme?

Yes, most Joomla themes allow you to customize various aspects to match your branding and preferences. You can personalize colors, typography, layout, and other visual elements through the theme’s settings and options. This allows you to make your Joomla website look unique and consistent with your brand identity.


What should I consider when migrating to a new Joomla theme?

When migrating to a new Joomla theme, consider the following: 1. Take a backup of your current website to ensure you can revert if needed. 2. Review any customizations made to your existing theme and ensure they can be replicated in the new theme. 3. Test the compatibility of the new theme with your existing content and extensions before making the switch to avoid any functionality issues.


What should I do if I encounter issues or need support with my Joomla theme?

If you encounter any issues or need support with your Joomla theme: 1. Check the theme developer’s documentation or support resources for solutions to common problems. 2. Seek assistance from the Joomla community or forums where fellow users can provide guidance. 3. Consider hiring a Joomla expert who can help troubleshoot and resolve any issues you may be facing.


How do I keep my Joomla theme up to date?

To keep your Joomla theme up to date: 1. Regularly check for theme updates. 2. Install updates as they become available to ensure compatibility with the latest Joomla version and security patches. Keeping your theme up to date will help ensure your website remains secure and functions optimally.

About the Author
Posted by KavyaDesai

Experienced web developer skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WordPress, and Drupal. Passionate about creating responsive solutions and growing businesses with new technologies. I also blog, mentor, and follow tech trends. Off-screen, I love hiking and reading about tech innovations.